This Privacy Policy is a part of the Terms of Use and forms a part of the legal agreement you have Witty.Ga(also referred to below as “us,” “we” or “our”) concerning your use of our Site. Any term that is not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning set forth in our Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy is intended to inform and notify you about our policies concerning the use of information we collect, maintain and use in connection with your use of our Site, whether or not you register to become a Member.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, because even if you do not register or become a Member, by using our Site, using, downloading or installing any related software, services, and/or content available from or through our Site (or attempting to do any of these) it means that you agree to be bound by and comply with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. In general, you can visit or browse the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself.
Changes to this Privacy Policy: We have the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time by posting an updated version on our Site, without advance notice to you. The changes shall be effective to you immediately upon posting. We encourage you to check this Privacy Policy often so you are and remain aware of the terms and conditions that apply to you.
Personal Information/Postings: We respect the privacy needs and concerns of Site users. We are committed to protecting our users’ privacy and keeping Personal Information you share with us through the use of our Site secure. However, you understand, acknowledge and agree that we do not and cannot control your Member Content, including Postings, nor are or shall we be liable if you post or make any information, including Member Content, available to others on our Site or otherwise. When we use the term “Personal Information” we mean information such as your first/middle initial or name and last name, street address, town or city, state, zip code, telephone number, your date of birth, email address, gender, wireless or mobile number, phone number, faith tradition and any other information that would allow someone to identify you or contact you that you provide to us. Purchases made through the Site require that you supply your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card number or other billing information.
Who May Use our Site: Our Site is not intended or designed to attract users under the age of 13. Only people age 13 or older are permitted to register as a Member. People under the age of 13 may browse our Site for educational and informational purposes, but are not allowed access to Member exclusive features such as creating a Member profile, participating in forums or chat rooms, or posting reviews. If you are under 13, do not send us or make available any Personal Information and do not attempt to register as a Member on our Site. Parents and guardians are asked to instruct their children under age 13 not to provide any Personal Information, including through the “contact us” link on our Site. Parents and guardians are asked to instruct their children under age 18 not to register or attempt to register to become a Member.
Information Collected and Used by our Site. We may use Personal Information to authenticate Members and to send notifications to our Members relating to the Service. Our Site also collects other Personal Information, including, but not limited to: personal interests, gender, age, education and occupation in order to assist Members in finding and communicating with each other and in order to customize offers and target communications to our Members. The Personal Information you supply allows us and/or our third party service providers to respond to your requests and to provide a variety of services on or associated with the Site.
Use of Cookies by our Site and by Third Party Advertisers. Our Site uses cookies to store visitors’ preferences and record session information, for purposes including ensuring that visitors are not repeatedly offered the same advertisements and to customize Content based on browser type and user profile information. You may be able to configure your browser to accept or reject all or some cookies, or notify you when a cookie is set – each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences – however, you must enable cookies from our Site in order to use most functions on our Site.